Teddy Wears Blue Awareness Campaign 2017

AADCd Awareness Videos : 2017
During the week of we launched our Awareness Campaign 2017. We asked you all to get involved by wearing something BLUE. It was a huge success thanks to the overwhelming support we received worldwide. Our AADC friends and families helped to raise awareness of this ULTRA rare brainn disease and much needed funds.
Here are some of the stories from the campaign:
THANK YOU to all the staff, volunteers and customers at eBear’s Attic Charity Tea Room & Boutique during this past week for embracing our Teddy Wears BLUE AADC Awareness Campaign, everyone put in that little bit extra to make sure that we raised all we could to help our suffering AADC Children.
Today our very own BLUE Bear went out and about in Hamsey Green to meet the locals and to continue raising awareness. A special thank you to Anton Bland for transforming into our HUGE Bear and bringing some BLUE sunshine to the local area!

This is a heartwarming story of how our rare disease reached far and wide and takes you to a very small community of beautiful Italians who have touched my heart more than words could do.
Lina, 84 year old Grandmother to AADC sufferer Sofia Moribito, heard about our Teddy Wears BLUE for AADC Campaign via a telephone call with her daughter Rosa (Sofia’s mother). With this news this beautiful elderly woman, without hesitation, reached out to her small community of just 500 souls in St. Stephen in Aspromonte and raised money for our children and our cause. With a homemade BLUE flag of support flying from her window all week, with NO computer, NO Internet, NO facebook and not really knowing completely what it’s all about she and her community raised money and sent it via transfer to her daughter, who in turn donated it to the AADC Trust, no questions asked.
THANK YOU LINA and everyone in St Stephen's!

Brilliant job by Ballenger Creek ES, USA in aid of #CureAADC , thank you everyone in Isabella's class for supporting Roro and all the other AADC children in the World ... Teddy Wears BLUE for AADC awareness

Lise and Nicolas have a son Romain who suffers some severe effects of AADC deficiency. Lise and Nicolas have continually supported our children’s cause and approximately 8 years ago they held an event which raised 34,000 euros and paid entirely for an AADC project ‘Urinary Dopamine in AADC deficiency - The Unsolved Paradox and the publication can be seen at:
Thank you Lise, Nicolas & Romain for your unwavering support of The AADC Research Trust and its Mission!

Thank you so much to Prof Mita Bertoldi, Prof Carla Voltattorni, Dr Riccardo Montioli and team in Verona for not only supporting Teddy Wears BLUE for AADC Awareness BUT for researching our disease!

A special message from this lovely little lady 26/05/17...
Please #CureAADC and help me survive living with AADC deficiency. I have just spent months in Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital in London with lots of days in Intensive Care trying to fight this battle. I am back home and I want to stay here but this disease is so difficult to manage I fear for my future. Please HELP raise awareness & funds for research to give me a fighting chance.
Love Deniz

Incredible scenes of support from Nmps School in Australia ... Thank you Khaleed and his friends #teamJahleel for raising so much awareness and funds for your little brother and all the other AADC children around the World.

Thank you from all of us at The AADC Trust

Thank you