Fundraising your way...

There are lots of great ways you can get involved with raising funds and awareness for AADC. Whether you choose to run a marathon or hold a bake sale, fundraising for AADC is fun and rewarding. Here are just a few ideas to get you started.
Hold your own event:
Quiz or Race Night
Why not get family and friends together for a really fun night? Various companies can be found online to give you all the resources you’ll need. Why not include a raffle to raise even more funds!
Host a Gala Dinner/Ball
This is always a great way of raising both money and awareness. Ask your community to get glamorous and have a night to remember. By including a raffle and/or auction you could raise more funds too! We have created a guide to help you with your event.
Host an afternoon tea
If an afternoon event is more your cup of tea, why not get your friends and family round for a tea party! You could charge for entry and supply the food and drinks or ask everyone to bring some cakes and nibbles
Fundraise in your community:
Charity golf day
These types of events are hugely popular. It helps if you or someone you know is involved in the sport but even a novice can make them a success. When a sit-down meal is included in the evening they can raise in excess of £1000!
Pub Quiz
Get your local pub involved with raising funds! By hosting a pub quiz you can charge teams to enter and offer a prize for the winning team – you could hold a raffle too!
School Non-uniform day
Ask your school to do a non-uniform day. Such a popular way of raising money.
Get your local school involved and you can easily raise £150+.
Fundraise at work
Charity pamper event
These kinds of events could be held at a local salon. You charge entry and provide wine and nibbles. The salon owner can do taster sessions of treatments and sell their full treatments/products. Perfect for a girly night!
Dress down day
This is one of the easiest ways to fundraise in your workplace! Simply ask everyone to make a donation to come into work in their favourite comfy clothes. You could make it colour themed or fancy dress!
Bake sale
Your chance to show off your baking talents! Ask colleagues to bring in cakes, treats or savouries in exchange for donations. Whatever you cook up for Team AADC, we’ve got your back!
Thank you so much for supporting The AADC Trust and good luck!
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