About Us
The AADC Research Trust
Welcome to The AADC Research Trust, a Charity Organisation dedicated to helping children and their families, around the World, affected by Aromatic Amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency (AADCd).
AADCd is a genetically inherited neurological disorder affecting the brains ability to produce neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin. These are two of the most essential neurotransmitters needed for every day living! (more detailed information can be found under ‘About AADC’)
The AADC Research Trust...
helps support children with Aromatic Amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency (AADCd)
promotes worldwide disease awareness
funds scientific research
We currently know of 150 -200 children, spanning 30 different countries who have been correctly diagnosed with AADC deficiency. It has proved fatal to many of those children.

A message from the Founder & Managing Director, Lisa Flint ...
"The love of your child is the most precious gift in the world. When that child’s life is so cruelly jeopardised, you learn to cherish every moment of every day and live in hope that one day soon, someone, somewhere, somehow will find a cure."