4th AADCd World Conference - 2018
The AADC Research Trust would like to thank everyone who attended our 4th World Conference this year at the stunning De Vere Wotton in Dorking. Your incredible contributions were truly appreciated. It was an extremely informative conference, with lots of high level science discussed, including great therapeutic interventions coming forward such as Gene Therapy becoming available to the masses. Our AADC families were given the rare opportunity to connect with professionals and leading experts from around the world. We are looking forward to seeing how these important discussions will advance our ultimate aim of finding a cure.

An Overall Picture of the Structure-Function Relationship of AADC Variants Causing AADC Deficiency

Update on MRI-guided midbrain Gene Therapy Trial in Children with AADCd

Non-Invasive PET Visualisation of AADCd Manifestations. Therapy Planning. Outcomes. Monitoring and Theranostics/Artificial Intelligence for Underserved and Rare Paediatric Conditions

Next Generation Metabolic Screening for Elucidation of AADC deficiency and Related Neurometabolic Disorders

Professor Marcello Coba
Modelling Human Disease with iPSC Derived Neurons

Successful Pregnancy in a Patient with L-Amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency: Therapeutic Management & Clinical Outcomes

Dr Riccardo Montioli

Next Generation Metabolic Screening for Elucidation of AADC deficiency and Related Neurometabolic Disorders

Generation of Patient-Derived Dopaminergic Cell Model of Aromatic L-Amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency

Professor Krystof
Poland/ USA
Update on AAV2-hAADC Gene Therapy Trials in Primary AADCd Paediatric Patients (Target Area VTA & SNpc)
30MD: A Reliable Biomarker for AADC

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